29 Apr 2011

Vanilla Love --> Lee Hyun Ji ft Onew SHINee


20 Facts of ONew ^^ .


1. Nicknamed "tofu". "Pure tofu", "ondubu", they all refer to him. Uses the introduction "I am only~you~ Onew" taught to him by Leeteuk and at times, switches to "Hello, my name is Michael Jackson(sincerely)!"

2. Feels shy about presenting himself to people, and because of it, he did not dare to participate in auditions. When he was a trainee, everyone else seems to be improving everyday, while he seems to be staying stagnant and not improving, that to him is the saddest period of his life up till now.

3. When performing on stage for the first time, he could not see anything in front of him, and even forgot the lyrics before going up on stage. But he thought of his parents who were sitting in front of the stage, he thought "Yes, I must look for them", and thus calmed down gradually.

4. The Leader who commits the most mistakes during practices; the Leader who feels respoonsible for the group and solves problem, the Leader who will just zone out from time to time, the Leader who still stays strong despite sporting swollen, red eyes under the glaring lights, the Leader who cries in the car secretly after getting injured.

5. "Rather than saying that I use certain methods to make the sunbaes like me, I am just working hard to be respectful." It is this thought that accompanies the 90 degree bow every time.

6. Infamous NG King. "You just cannot not NG can't you!" (KEY)

7. "Honestly, amongst all of the SHINee members, in the terms of looks, physique, expression...and everything is charismatic and the only phrase to describe the person is 'near perfection', that member is -- ME!"

8. Good in studying, was second in the entire school before. To him, it's nothing to be very proud of, because everyone has their own strengths that is irreplaceable by others, isn't it more important to discover that strength and make use of it?

9. Because he got curious after hearing that "if there is something heavy on your chest, your thoughts will become heavy too, and you will experience illusions", so he went went to sleep hugging a box, hoping to enter a land of illusions but nothing happened...

10. Looks gentle and quiet, but is very ambitious at attempting to be humourous, is always very enthusiastic about trying various methods to hype up the atmosphere behind the scenes. Also possesses the ability to freeze the atmosphere with whatever he says, but there are just once or twice a year when people do feel that he is funny.

11. 'What should you do if you are a victim of the SHINee poison?' " ...Go to the hospital for cure! (innocently, seriously)

12. Can be quite blur at times. "Our album will be released in May (firmly) .... It's already August now?! ....Oh then it should be in September...Ah (manager glares at him) No no, it's in August, end of August..."

13. His ideal type is something who has character, good personality, is responsible, knows how to cook, looks good in appearance, the hands must be especially pretty, and the most important aspect -- it must be a noona!

14. If met with unbearable situations, changes mindset from "I have to do ____ before its fine?" to "It's just doing _____ then it will be alright" and it will work. Be it heaven or hell, what matters is how you view it.

15. Tied his hair with the filigree(the golden strip thing) used to package bread, that was when he was really young, and had really long hair...

16. Strong at adapting, when dressing up as a girl for the first time, he felt fascinated and awkward, but after awhile he was able to start dancing sexy dances. If he does changes into a girl? He would probably date Key. Unique, strong personality, very interesting, just like his cup of tea.

17. Does not hide his worry about the possibility of him committing mistakes because he is does not feel capable of it. "Can I do it well?", "Will it be safe?", "Will I get into trouble?", whatever comes to mind he will voice it out, and after that, will feel more daring to continue on.

18. Suffers from the "Floudering about" syndrome, will sink into a state of baffling nervousness whenever he does not know how to answer something. When it comes to handling the direction of a conversation, it will be fine if he is not nevous, but once he ends up panicking, he will want to shout "umma".

19. Will wake up early to make roast meat for Taemin, but sleep is also very important, must have a good sleep, eat well and abstain from unhealthy snacks -- how else to maintain such a good complexion?

20. The most memorable present. the most treasured present, the happiest present received: Everyone's love. How about using this year's Newcomer Award to repay that? That is a precious gift that can only received once in a lifetime, want to receive it, and then...Hehe, not telling you! ...Did I say that?...Eh....

Matters needing attention:

Onew condition: Turning quiet suddenly, not talking to anyone, just sitting there in a daze; committing mistakes in most unlikely and unexpected situations, it is fine that others are baffled and fascinated by it but the main thing is that he does not even know why, muddles up from time to time, for details refer to point 12 above. If any of the above mentioned is committed, it is termed the "Onew condition".

The X catalyst: Forcefully trying to bring him back into the reality world; questions why he commits such a baffling mistake; and reasoning with him.

The O catalyst: Wait for him to return to earth; laugh along with him. If he falls or trips, silently observe if he is trying to conceal his pain and divert other's attention from his injury with his smile; take what he says as the final say, do not take it too seriously, since most of the time he commits blunders on what everyone else already know, even if he does not correct it, you will already know the right answer...

 End Here.. :) Coming Soon ~.^

Hello Baby SHINee ^^ .

Yoogeun seem happy with the members of SHINee ^^ . :))

Yoogeun is quietly closed with Minho appa~ . :))
Members of Hello Baby SHINee ^^ .

ehh ?! . where is Jonghyun appa??! .

next photos coming soon... :)

Like Them too :)

I also like them too.. :) they're amazing!!. :)) okeyy... i end up here ;) . another photos ? coming soon.... ^^ .

Here You Are :)

11 Apr 2011

[OPV] Vanilla Love [MinHo+TaeMin]

Love Like Oxygen MV HQ- SHINee

Fakta-Fakta si COOL Choi MinHo

1. Punya tipe wajah kesukaan orang Korea. Mata belo dan wajah mungil.
2. Lahir pada tanggal 9 Desember 1991.
3. Ayahnya adalah seorang pelatih sepak bola di Iran.
4. Minho dan kakaknya Soccer holic sejak kecil. Sayang ayahnya tidak mengizinkan mereka jadi pemain bola dengan alasan dunia sepak bola itu dunia yang sangat melelahkan.
5. Tidak seperti member lain, Minho di temukan di jalanan kemudian ditawarin kasting. Gara-gara senyumnya yang cool, akhirnya Minho di terima training di SMEnt.
6. Dikasih Ipod dari Donghae Super Junior karena mereka sangat akrab.
7. Minho juga akrab bangat sama Changmin DBSK.
8. Tipe tidak pedulian sama duit, kesehatan, atau masalah penampilan. Minho bilang, “Ngapain ngeributin hal-hal kecil seperti itu?
9. Debut pertamanya bukan sebagai penyanyi, tapi sebagai model.
10. Barang kesayangannya adalah Album Romeo SHINee.
11. Tidak banyak ngomong. Tipe ice prince laahh. Tapi biasanya Minho membela diri dengan bilang, “Gimana aku mau bicara kalau member lain tak berhenti ngoceh??”
12. Waktu nyanyiin Love Like Oxygen, Minho selalu membayangkan cewek khayalannya.
13. Sangat-sangat charming di MV Amigo dengan adegan lari-larinya super-duper keren.
14. Bakal milih Taemin sebagai cowoknya kalau dia adalah cewek. Makanya setiap kali Minho deket sama Taemin, Taemin selalu ngegodain bilang “are you feel hot beside me ?”
15. Pinter banget olahraga apa saja.
16. Jiwa bersaingnya tinggi banget. Minho bilang dia ketularan ayahnya.
17. Bakal ngajak ceweknya main bola bareng di kencan pertama. Alasannya dia bakal nunjukin skillnya sama itu cewek.
18. Paling tidak bisa ngomong didepan umum, Minho itu paling cepet kehabisan kata kata, tidak seperti Key atau Onew. Makanya kalau Minho mau pidato atau konferensi pers biasanya dia udah nyiapin kata katanya dari rumah. Ini contohnya kalau dia gugup “Halo semuanya, aku Minho Shinee. aku harus berbicara lebih dari semenit, apa yang harus aku katakan ? satu menit itu sangat panjang !”
19. Kata Onew waktu pertama kali melihat Minho, “dia kaya karakter di manga”. Kalau kata Key “dia hidup penuh dengan keegoisan”. Kalau kaya Jonghyun, “wah, dia tampan sekali !!! terutama matanya sangat bagus !”
20. Kata Jonghyun, Minho itu kalau naik ke atas panggung ekspresi mukanya berubah jadi dewasa tapi kalau udah turun panggung balik lagi cengengesan.
21. Orangnya sangat perfeksionis. Inginnya segala hal sejalan dan harus perfect ! Pernah waktu itu di salah satu show dia salah nyanyiin lirik lagu Rokkugo terus waktu turun stage mukanya langsung merah terus nangis di ruang make up sampe di tenangin sama Taemin.
22. Taemin paling deket sama Minho, kalau Minho mau tidur pasti Taemin penasaran sama piyama Minho karena coraknya itu bunga2, binatang, atau lambang love gitu.
23. Paling suka sama anak anjing.
24. Suka warna biru.
25. Suka angka 10.
26. Suka tidur malem gara-gara nonton bola.
27. Tipe cewe : harus berambut panjang, feminim, dan baik.
28. Cara terampuh Minho kalo lagi stess adalah berolahraga, bermain sepakbola dan basket.
29. Dengan bijaksana Minho bilang kalau pesona karismatiknya saat ia memperlihatkan kepada orang-orang kalau dia bekerja dengan keras.
30. Kalau ketemu paranormal Minho pengen banget bisa lihat hantu, itu impian teranehnya, dia bilang dia pernah lihat setan, tapi Cuma 1, makanya dia pingin lihat lagi.
31. Minho berani ditantang tidak kedip selama 3 menit. Dia yakin 100% kalo dia bakalan menang telak.
32. Artis favoritenya Justin Timberlake dan Usher. Kalau yang dari Korea dia suka DBSK, Super Junior, ama Shinhwa.
33. Minho paling sebel sama kata kalah soalnya dia bilang pasti akan selalu menang.